All posts by qbss1


This task was created by Zeina Chalich from

Sketchnoting builds a connection between verbal and visual components. It is a personal form of note-taking that activates the brain in the process much the same as doodling. Doodling is a way of thinking, of drawing information around a thought process.

Make visual notes (sketchnotes) about the main events from a chapter in the book. Take photos and upload your notes to the blog or use any available apps to make your visual notes. Label which chapter you are sketching about.

Consider.. Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?

What visual representations will best describe…

* The sequence of events?

* The emotions of the characters?

* The impact of what happened?

* The text you will use?

Paper & pencil or black felt tip pen


A lipogram is a piece of writing where a particular letter is omitted . In our task, we have been asked to change the letter ‘o’ in every word and replace it with a word without an ‘o’ .

I changed the words underlined.

“Albert, is it  true if we feel a  butterfly’s wings , we halt its flight ever again? Basically , kill it ?”

” It is a myth that a human will halt its flight by feeling its wings. The sandy residue near there wings are is actually scales. They shed their scales near a regular basics, merely trapping is fine”.


Character Hot Seat

1. In pairs choose a character you would like to ask specific questions to.

2. Create a list of 5-10 questions.

3. Have one child at the front of the room sit in a chair.

4. This child assumes the identity of one of the characters from the text.

5. The class then asks the character questions.

6. The child in the seat answers questions in character .


1. Why did you go to Shay’s birthday party?

2. How do you ignore Shay and her comments?

3. Do you feel comfortable with Albert and Keisha?

4. How tough is it with homework?

5. What do like about Travis?


Monster Project

1. Draw a medium circled  head

2. Draw 3 eyes in the top of the head

3. Draw 1 pointy ear on  each side of the head

4. Draw a mouth at the bottom of the head with 2 sharp vampire teeth on the top

5. Draw the stickman body attached to the head

6. Draw a dress on the stickman body

7. Draw a scare underneath the left eye

8. Draw a sword in the left hand

9. Draw a stickman nose

10. Draw a flower in other hand

Fur and Feathers

We are transforming the  poem Fur and Feathers  into a narrative.

 Physical Traits

played in grey

big fluffy ears

big black eyes

long  strong tail

short arms

brown fluffy fur



                                 Kangaroo thN6OFP2VY

 Personality Trait




fetch the ball

bad influence


 Physical Traits

long beak

big yellow eyes

fluffy fur

long skinny legs

big body

sticking up fur



 Personality Traits










 Physical Traits

crystal blue with green colour

crystal green eyes

black legs

feathers are down

kind of messy but neat as well


not admired



 Personality Traits





Fur and Feathers

My Bio Poem

Who is sporty, kind and nice

Sibling of Mataya and Jahrel

Who loves sport, singing and dancing

Who fears spiders and balloons

Who needs motorbikes, iPad and new shoes

Who feels happy, chatty and kind

Who would like to see Arianna Grande and Megan Trainor

Resident of North Queensland,Australia